Jersey Beach Hotel (1900-1908)

This building is the first of two ‘Jersey Beach Hotels’ to grace Aberavon Beach. Arguably this original building is much more appealing than its flat-roofed successor which would be built after this building suffered a disastrous fire in 1908, reducing it to a shell.

The Jersey Beach Hotel was the first permanent building to be built at Aberavon Beach and was constructed from 1899-1900 and opened in July 1900.

Closeup of the detail in the buildings’ stonework

The building pre-dates the promenade and sea wall, which eventually followed two years later in 1902 at the cost of £4000. That same year the breakwater was converted into a public promenade, work on that was completed in only six weeks, costing £1200.

The Hotel itself consisted of 14 bedrooms, lounges, dining rooms, bars and a tea room/banqueting room seen below on the left hand side.

Front View 1900

The model will be updated shortly to show the interior layout of the hotel.

Jersey Beach Hotel 1900.
Right Hand Side 1900, the two door openings lead in to the two public bars.

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